We offer a variety of products from our own retail brands to private label and bulk, for grocery stores, restaurant, and wholesale customers. For additional product information, contact our Sales Department at Sales@AllenHarimLLC.com or by calling (302) 629-9136.

No Antibiotics Ever • 100% Vegetarian Fed
Our signature brand, Nature’s Sensation is our premium choice for consumers that balances the taste you love with the standards you prefer. Humanely raised on family farms, our Nature’s Sensation brand is process verified for traceability from farm to fork.

A full line of certified Halal products that are processed and prepared according to the strictest standards. Raised with no antibiotics ever, and 100 percent vegetarian fed, our Oasis chicken is a delicious and healthy option.

We offer a variety of Allen Harim branded products in formats and flavors that consumers prefer. Nearly 100 years of experience in every package, taste perfection in every bite!
Your Oasis chicken not only has incredible flavor & texture but is cleaned & packaged meticulously. I can’t eat any other brands. Thank you for your incredible team.
— Allen Harim Customer
Hello, I tried your Oasis chicken last night for the first time and I wanted to tell you how pleasantly surprised I was! So much of the chicken available today has a “woody” texture to it and is flavorless. Your chicken was tender, juicy, and had great flavor! I hope my Market Basket store will continue to offer your products. Thank you!
— Allen Harim Customer